Christmas in November

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After the madness was over we woke up the next morning wanting breakfast, well my parents the early birds.


So Ricardo has the idea to have breakfast at his moms house so we got everything ready. My parents were ok with the idea but my parents aren’t really talkative with Ricardo’s mom, well maybe with the exception of my dad.


Before we all got ready Ricardo said that he was going to go to the store and get some stuff for the breakfast. I decided to stay with my parents at the apartment and spend some more time with them.


When Ricardo came back he came with two bags, which for me was kind of strange. He told my brother he had a surprise for him, but I didn’t expect Ricardo to ever give my parents or even my brother something for christmas in November.


I decided to give my brother a new PS Vita. My brother was so happy that he jumped for joy and hugged Ricardo with so much love. I was so happy to see my brother like that. No one that I had ever dated did something for my brother.


So after the gifts we headed for breakfast. It was a nice family get together and everyone was talking so I felt happy.


Then my parents check the time and decided it was time to hit the road. My parents said by and the next time we would see them we would go to San Diego, Ricardo and I.


Now that November was ending, the true holidays began….


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