Go to sleep honey…

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Well the dinner was a mess but at least we all helped to clean up and wash the dishes. Now it was time for our first night to prepare  us for black Friday.

Well I don’t know what I was thinking but I volunteered to work at my old job on Thanksgiving night at 11pm to 6am in the morning. Then from that job I would work at my other job from 6:30am to 11am. Then finally ending my horrible retail life from 11:30am to 4:30pm.

What a horrible mess, one that I will never ever choose to make again. So I tried to go to sleep after dinner but I couldn’t. The worst part was that Ricardo wanted to go to his moms friends house with or without me.

Now that was just a red flag for my mom and boy did I hear about that one. In my family or so far what I have seen from the people around me is that if the man goes out with out his significant other he cheats.

well as much as that statement is probably true for most women I had no problem with Ricardo. I think the only thing that made me mad was that I couldn’t go with him because I know I would not be able to work at 11pm.

So he got a nice shirt on and headed for the door. It looked so bad and I knew my mom was going to wait till he left to ask me all sorts of questions. As soon as he was headed for the door I stopped him.

My mom was like the hawk looking from a hight tree waiting to attack its pray, well thats how it felt. I told Ricardo by the door in a whisper “come back soon please, don’t be late”

The only reason I said that is because me and Ricardo have an attachment.. with that I mean if he is not next to me when I want to go to sleep at night, sleep is just not gonna happen. The same goes with Ricardo, so I had to wait but the longer I waited the worse it got.

So my mom said where is he going? why did he leave? its late?……

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